Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Colorful and dull birds

So here are three of my paintings on printed photos. They have a connection to the pigeon portrait paintings with their square shape and individual portrait style painting but with the major difference that the background isn't white and the bird breaks the plane of the panel. I'm pretty interested in these as an experiment and I plan to do more (as soon as I get more ink in my printer) but I am not sure where they will go. This semester has been big on experimentation, and I think a big determining factor in what will be in the thesis show will be what the space we are using looks like.

I have continued to work on the large painting as well and it is trickling along. It's interesting that it seems to be working from the bottom to the top in terms of being resolved, which may be because of the connection that I have with what is below. I think my brain is starting to wrap itself around the upper areas of the image however. If anyone has seen those Scott's bird seed commercials that promise more colorful birds and have little digital cardinals and buntings on one bird feeder while the ugly grackles and sparrows are at the other will start to recognize the theme of this painting once the birds are painted in the top panel. I love that commercial! I've been looking for it online, but haven't found it yet.

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